Characteristic | Backyard Breeder | Puppy Mill |
Commercial Breeder |
Hobby Breeder | Reputable Experienced Breeder |
Has a specific breeding goal | To produce puppies | To make money | To supply the demand | To better the breed | To perfect a specific type to leave a legacy. |
Belongs to and works with breed club | May masquerade as a member | Hardly ever | Has a network of business contacts | Extremely dedicated |
Very active, generally an officer |
Has at least one mentor | Works independently, lacks guidance | Not interested in breed improvement | Does not specialize in specific breed | Invites knowledge |
Is a mentor, writes books/articles, conducts seminars |
Understands and breeds to the standard |
May not even know what it is. |
Uses any available stock. |
Focuses on general appearance |
Strives towards the ideal |
Often helps to define it. |
Active in dog related activities (shows, trials, rescues) | Often rescues only to attain more stock. Rarely attends shows or trials |
Does not need to promote establishment; sells to brokers–pet shops, etc. |
Does not need to promote establishment, sells to brokers, pet shops etc. |
Shows and trials to prove worth Shows & trials to objectively test breeding stock. | Often judges, provides seminars, writes articles, and willingly mentors serious Hobby Breeders. |
Knows the true history of the breed | May share false/incomplete info | Often pretends to know some. | Claims that it’s not important. | Studies continuously |
Impacts the breed for many decades |
Sells pets with spay/neuter contract and tries to stay in touch with new owners |
May charge more for “breeding” papers | Often issues papers via generic “registries” | All pups sold have full breeding rights. | Yes, and diligently follows up on progeny | Always differentiates breed/pet quality and insists on frequent updates |
Keeps up with health and temperament issues affecting the breeding and provides in depth guarantees |
May refuse to acknowledge most problems. Considers shows and trials as too “political”. |
No need to, mostly supplies brokers and pet shops | Meets minimum standards as required by state law. | Goes above and beyond standard requirement | Maintains a solid support system –accepts full responsibility for every puppy produced |
All breeding stock is tested for genetic diseases affecting the particular breed. | Some occasionally may be to impress consumers. | Only as demanded by consumers — may give papers as proof of quality. |
May provide undocumented paperwork for appearances sake. | Intensive testing always a priority | Often initiates club sponsored seminars and clinics. |
Maintains carrier records on all dogs in gene pool including effected progeny. |
Focuses mostly on phenotype–unfamiliar with genotype. | Often supplies broker and pet shops, records unavailable. | Dogs and puppies are often auctioned off in lots, records unavailable |
Attempts to continuously track every puppy produced | Bases entire breeding program on extensive gene pool data. |
Clean, sterile environment always maintained |
Conditions may vary greatly depending on available income. |
Often tries to maintain minimum standards |
Cleanest and best organized; state inspected |
Usually “home raised with love” and well cared for. |
Often cluttered but always healthy and mentally stimulating |
Expected longevity with any particular breed |
Unrealistic expectations– easily disillusioned. |
Will continue as long as the sales are coming | Depends on popularity of specific breeds | On a mission–plans to stay for the long haul. | Involved with the breed/ breeding for decades–makes a lifetime commitment. |