Approved by the membership: March 28, 2013

1.   The members of the Association shall adopt, and shall make amendments to the Standing Rules as frequently as the Association feels it is necessary to carry out the objectives.

2.  All show equipment is neither for lease, rent, nor loan without Board approval.  Anyone who has been given permission to borrow any items shall sign a receipt at the time the items are picked up.  The receipt shall be maintained by the Secretary until items are returned and/or replaced.

3.  No member may hold a position as an officer or board member of BBKA who holds a position as an officer or board member of any other All-Breed Club.

4.  The Board of Directors meeting shall be held semi-annually or when deemed necessary by the President and/or Secretary in the case of a petition.

5.  Each active member of BBKA is expected to fulfill a job assignment related to the purpose and objectives of the Association.  These jobs may be show related, or may be other on-going activities that advance and promote the welfare and sport of purebred dogs.  Some examples are: parking, grounds, ring steward, public education, fun-match chair, meet the breeds, etc.  Each member’s assignment shall be coordinated by the respective committee chair.  As a member of BBKA it will be your responsibility to fulfill your assignment in order to maintain membership in good standing with BBKA.

6. Completion of job assignments in item five (5) may be completed by another BBKA member with notification and approval of the job related chairperson based on duress and/or hardship.

7.  A plan of operation shall be developed for the annual fall all-breed show to facilitate consistency and guidelines.  This plan shall be reviewed and updated as frequently as the Association feels it is necessary to carry out the objectives of the all-breed show.

8.  It is understood by each member, the show and its success is the first priority on show day.  It is understood the Show Chairman is responsible for dealing with and resolving problems that may occur during the show.  All problems shall be referred to the Show Chair.  Other members of the show committee or Association shall not interfere with the Show Chair when the chair is dealing with a problem.

9.  The Club President and Show Chair may not handle any dog at the all-breed show.  Dogs owned or co-owned by them may be entered at this show, but cannot be handled by them.  It shall be understood the member’s show assignment has priority during the run of the show.  If members are handling a dog, it is the responsibility of the member to make sure their show assignment is covered first should a conflict arise.

10.  One (1) show catalogue per household shall be free to members of the club.

11.  Un-awarded trophies, if not claimed within thirty (30) days after notification by the trophy chairman, will become the property of the Bonneville Basin Kennel Association, Inc. (BBKA).

12.  The Judges Selection Committee shall be comprised of BBKA members in good standing.  Specialty clubs cannot be represented on the Judges Selection Committee by nonmembers of the BBKA.